#Soviet Union Currency

The Russian ruble or rouble is the currency of the Russian Federation, ... USSR @Here are USSR Banknotes in by series -------------------- #KA050 (please mention code)USSR Banknotes #Denomination 1000 Rubble #Condition Excellent #Price $10.00 #Shipping Free #Buy all 4 for $30.00 (save 10%) http://www.paypal.me #KAO051 #Denomination 100 Rubble #Buy $5.00 #Offer Buy all 6 sets only $25.00 #KOA052 #Denomination 1,3,5,10,25 Rubble #Availabe 6 sets #$12.00 ----------------- @Please put your message here, Use our #Contact Form W A R M W E L C O M E --------Enjoy enjoy